Stone door frames: such as marble, are usually expensive, especially natural stones with good quality and beautiful texture, which may cost hundreds or even thousands of yuan per square meter.
Stainless steel door frame: The price is generally at a moderate level, and depending on the material and process of stainless steel, the price per square meter ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan.
Wood door frames: Ordinary wood door frames are relatively affordable, with prices ranging from tens to one or two hundred yuan per square meter. However, if it is some high-end wood, the price will also be higher.
Stone plastic door frame: The price is usually more affordable, which may be around tens of yuan per square meter.
当然,这些只是大致的价格范围,实际价格还会受到品牌、规格、市场供需等多种因素的影响。例如,进口的高端石材门套价格会比普通国产石材门套贵很多;同样是不锈钢门套,304 不锈钢可能比 201 不锈钢的价格高。而且,不同地区的价格也可能存在一定差异。在具体选择时,需要根据实际预算和需求来综合考虑。
Of course, these are only approximate price ranges, and the actual price will also be influenced by various factors such as brand, specifications, market supply and demand. For example, the price of imported high-end stone door frames will be much higher than that of ordinary domestic stone door frames; Similarly, for stainless steel door frames, 304 stainless steel may be more expensive than 201 stainless steel. Moreover, there may be certain differences in prices across different regions. When making specific choices, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the actual budget and needs.