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当前位置:首页 »资讯中心 » 行业动态青岛装饰线板:常用的几种装饰线板有哪些?


来源:http://www.sddtmt.com/ 浏览:0发表时间:2023-12-19


Decorative line board refers to some edges of decoration, including eaves line, hanging mirror line, baseboard, and wall panel. These places are not very attractive, but they are also very important for decoration, and decorative wire boards require different designs according to their different functions. Based on the years of decoration experience of Chengdu Decoration Company, here we share some relevant knowledge about decorative wire boards.


Skirting board


The installation of baseboards serves both to protect the wall and for decoration purposes. They serve to separate the floor from the wall, creating a clear hierarchy and a three-dimensional sense of space throughout the entire room. At present, home decoration mainly uses profiles made from wood, stone, ceramics, composite materials, and plastics as raw materials. It can also be manufactured and installed on site according to requirements. When selecting, attention should be paid to the coordination and transition of its color with the ground and wall, which should be the middle color of the two.



Wall protection panel


Wall protection panels are used to protect the wall surface, prevent contamination, and also make the wall appear more layered. The atmosphere of the enclosure is also stronger. Wall protection panels should be installed in living rooms and dining rooms.


Eaves moldings

在墙面与天花板交接部分,装饰檐口线脚具有过渡、衔接的作用,特别是在天花板与墙面使用不同材质时。线条清晰、轮廓分明的脚线,丰富了房间的空间形象,美化墙面与天花板的过渡区。从材质上可分为木质、石膏、聚氨酯、金属、陶瓷、石材等;功能可分阳角、阴角等;线型上可分为素线、花线等。客户可根据实际装 修需要进行选择。

At the junction of the wall and ceiling, the decorative eaves moldings have a transitional and connecting role, especially when different materials are used between the ceiling and the wall. The clear and well-defined footlines enrich the spatial image of the room and beautify the transition area between the wall and ceiling. From a material perspective, it can be divided into wood, gypsum, polyurethane, metal, ceramics, stone, etc; The function can be divided into male and female corners, etc; Linetype can be divided into plain lines, floral lines, etc. Customers can choose according to their actual decoration needs.


Hanging mirror thread


Hanging mirror lines not only serve as hanging paintings and mirror bars, but also have the same function as eaves line feet. It can be divided into three types based on material: wood, plastic, and metal. At present, two types of lightweight and easy to install wooden and plastic hanging mirror wires are commonly used in home decoration.


Thank you for reading. The source of this article is Qingdao Decorative Wire Board. For more information and questions, please click: http://www.sddtmt.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!